No One Ever Taught Me How to Pray

Hi everyone!

It feels great to start posting my second entry, and believe me, I have a huge smile on my face right now! 😀 It’s so encouraging to see some of you amazing bloggers following and commenting, thank you so much! I have to say some of your wonderful blogs are definitely very inspiring! Thank God for blogs!

A few days ago, I watched the movie “Gravity”  and it had me on the edge of my seat, hands sweating from the very beginning. I would definitely give it a 4 out of 5 for it’s fast-paced and captivating story line. Here’s the poster down below for those of you who don’t know the movie 🙂Image

But what I remembered the most was when Sandra Bullock sat all alone in the spaceship with no fuel left to go back to earth and she started crying when she found herself face to face with death and no more hope.

And then she said a line that was stuck in my mind for days,

“I don’t know how to pray, no one ever taught me…”

I felt both very shocked and sad in my heart. I wish no one had to face death to suddenly realize that they need God or want to at least pray to Him once. I wish no one on this earth was never given a chance to know who Jesus is. I wish everyone had a chance to learn how to pray to the God who has created you and me. That’s why I thought, ” I have to write a blog entry on how to pray!”  And it really isn’t hard to pray at all!

You don’t need to say any pretty words to draw God’s attention or win His approval, you don’t need to be afraid that He doesn’t know you, and you definitely don’t need to be anywhere close to a saint to have your prayers heard! Why? Because God loves you whether you feel it or not, He knows you because He created you and He knows we’re nothing close to being perfect and that’s why we need Him!

So here’s three easy steps to your first prayer to God. Let’s get started!

1) Say Hi!

Yes, it sounds funny, but it’s true! Say Hi to God and know that He’s all ears waiting to hear you! When I’m super happy and I just want to praise Him for His wonderfulness, I would say, “Oh God, You’re so good!” On rough days, I might just say “Hey God…., I’m here…”

2) Tell Him!

Tell God what you’re thankful for, what makes you happy! Tell God what’s frustrating you, what’s worrying you. Ask Him what he thinks about your situation.  I have to admit, some days I have a lot of things I want to share with God, but there are also days when I just don’t feel like telling Him anything. And that’s perfectly fine! The more you talk to Him and want to be with Him, the more you will want to tell Him everything and know how He thinks too! Just remember, nothing is too small for Him to care and nothing is too big for Him to handle 😉

3) Send your prayer!

God is so good that you don’t need to buy a stamp to send your prayer 😛 All you need to say is, “In Jesus name, Amen.” at the end of your prayer.

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” The father that Jesus is talking about here, is GOD. We go to God through Jesus, that’s why we say “In Jesus name, Amen.” Amen comes from Hebrew, meaning ‘truly’, ‘so be it’ which is declaring affirmation and believing that God will respond to our prayer.

Now, what does the trick is not how beautiful or eloquent your words are, it’s FAITH. Have faith that your prayer is heard by God and He does not take any prayer lightly.

Here’s a little testimony (which I have tons and I want to share as much as I can to all of you!) My superman is right now working in a beautiful country in Latin American and he is so sweet that he wrote a card to me for Valentine’s day. But the card never arrived to me in New York and many weeks after he sent it, he pronounced the card lost. I felt a little bit disappointed but I decided to pray to God. Here’s my prayer, “Dear God, thank you for giving me this sweet man. You know how he spent the time writing the card and I really want to receive it as well. You know where the card is and I just ask that it will arrive! In Jesus name, Amen” The next day, there’s was  no card, and the next day, still nothing. But there was this faith inside of me that it will get here to me somehow. And on the third day, I got the card with loving words from my love, yey!

You might be thinking, “What?! I don’t think God would care for such a trivial thing.” Or, “That’s nothing, maybe the mail just got lost a little bit.” But the truth is, the way to exercising your faith is by starting small. Start small and let your faith grow! Imagine how much faith you would need to open the eyes of the blind!

So, here it is! Three easy steps to start a wonderful prayer to God 😀

I would be so happy to have some of you who are willing to ask any question you may have or share your praying experiences 🙂

Hope this is helpful to anyone who needs it 🙂 God bless you all with an amazing week!!

